Pragatisheel Samaj Party
President: Er. Sunil Kushwaha
Pragatisheel Samaj Party came into reality on June 07, 2011 in the Allahabad one of the immense district of Uttar Pradesh under the proficient Leadership of Er. Sunil Kushwaha a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the Moti Lal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.
While establishing the Pragatisheel Samaj Party it was assumed by the Party members in the leadership of Er. Sunil Kushwaha that there is the need of effective and revolutionary political activeness in regard with the development of society and country to compete with the global competency. To realize this into reality it became necessary to establish a new political Party so that an important role may be played to convert our country into the developed country at the quicker rate, so that it could play more active and powerful role in the global world. Since a big part of our population is still have to receive many effects, having in the mind the picture of alteration in the field of development from the entire world, if we compare our country then it becomes very clear that still we have to do lots of the things in the field of development. Since Independence more than 65 years have been passed, but we are going no where, still we are fighting for food, shelter, employment, quality education and good health services. The political Parties earlier ruled in India but it seems that either they failed to deliver the required needs for the people of India or they have some other agenda in their framework. So it became urgent to establish Pragatisheel Samaj Party for making all round development of India in the political, economic, industrial, social, cultural and agricultural sectors and to establish India as global power keeping in view the multilingual, multifaceted, multiethnic, rich culture and heritage of India. The objective behind it is the well-being and advancement of the people of India. The Pragatisheel Samaj Party is founded on the principles of Nationalism, Socialism, secularism and Democracy and equality. The Party units are being established at the National level to the Polling Booth levels all over the country in the last two years.