
The Party President Er. Sunil Kushwaha a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the Moti Lal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad is committeed to change around the nation and has devoted his full life for the missionary cause of our country and betterment of its people. He has got interest in social activities and missionary works from early in his life.

अब कौन ?

तुम्हारी फाइलों में, गाँव का मौसम गुलाबी है,
मगर ये आकड़े झूठे हैं, ये दावा किताबी है।

तुम्हारी मेज़ चाँदी की, तुम्हारे जाम सोने के,
यहा जुम्मन के घर में, आज भी फूटी रकाबी है।।

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Pragatisheel Samaj Party is a secular and democratic party, which works on the principle of equality. Pragatisheel Samaj Party believes in working continuously towards the upliftment of all castes, all sections of the society.

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